Folded Leaf Bulletin Board

14 Nov


paper leaves border

My art project for this month consisted of  folded paper leaves I found on Pinterest from this site .   They are a very simple to make and even my youngest students were able to complete one  in  15 minutes. It only required colored computer paper and a glue stick.  We also used pipecleaners because I had them on hand and they were easier for making the stem.   I am not sure what language the directions are in but they are still quite  user friendly because of the clear pictures. I put them on my iPad and let the students follow them. The directions are here.

We put the leaves on the bulletin board and I was able to make more use of that tree.

paper leaf Bulletin Board

It’s Going a bit Batty Here

20 Oct



2014-10-20 08.08.34bat

It has been a very busy Fall with another school added to my caseload. I am a little slow with the bulletin board.   My students are young this year and I need to keep my projects simple.

The students always seem to enjoy paper-folding and I discovered these  easy bat folding directions at WikiHow  here.   They may not look very fancy but they did serve the function of  working on following directions.  We also talked about what they knew about  bats.  This was an easy board to put up because  I kept the tree from last month and just  added my spider.  You may recognize the spider as my pompom and pipe cleaner spider from years gone by.